Monday, July 2, 2012

Daily Struggles

You know dying to self is not easy. Nor is it really that fun either. The Lord has really been stretching me and since I found out that I was moving I've been a little stressed out. Yesterday I decided to make a list of all the things that I have to get done before I leave. There's moving out of my house, giving away my car, quitting my job, and moving all of my stuff is just a few things I have to do. Though I'm excited about going and I have peace that what I am doing is exactly what God wants me to do. I'm constantly reminded of how different my life is going to be. Dont get me wrong, this is an incredible adventure, but there's all those little things like leaving all your friends and family and leaving everything that you "know" behind The Lord is throwing me into everything that I want to be and more, but at the same time I'm scared to know exactly where I will be at the end of these 7 months that I will be away. One of my best friends put it simple like this to just completely be thrown recklessly abandoned into what the Lord's calling me to do. And yes I am being thrown into it and I'm not going to lie I cried today because I was so overwhelmed with everything that the Lord is changing in my life. My heart is changing, the way I look at things are changing, things that I thought were important arent anymore and I really dont know what to do with the way I'm feeling. But today as I was talking to one of my mentors she reminded me that in the hardest times just stare into the eyes of the Father, to see his Heart through his eyes and to not listen to all the other voices that try to seep into my thoughts. Daddy God is going to provide because He is my Provider, and he will show me what exactly I need to do in His timing. So take a breath! Breathe! It's all going to work out! :) How anxious I am to see what the Lord has for me. :)

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